Server Rules

Written by
King Bond
General Rules:
1.1- An admin's decision is absolutely final, that's that.
1.2- No homophobic, racist, sexist or general harassment 
1.3- No metagame (using OOC material for IC purposes (exception, using Server warnings as a way to punish individuals appropriately).
1.4- Attempted RDM will NOT be tolerated and will result in an RDM warning.
1.5- Advertising is unacceptable, it won't be tolerated in any way/shape/form, and will result in a permanent ban.
1.6- Hacks/Cheats/Glitches/Exploits are not allowed, they will result in a permanent ban. (Exploits class as anything that isn't possible without using a bug to your advantage.
1.7- Toxicity and/or trolling will result in heavy punishment. (depending on severity)
1.8- Use advert and communication-based chat channels for their intended use, not for OOC text or spam.

Roleplaying Roles:
1.1- You must listen to your higher-ups at all times.
1.2- Within an event, you can die multiple times, unless the Event staff decides to make a death limit.
1.3- For actions used in RP, use /me (e.g /me bows in honour.)
1.4- You cannot just go rogue for the hell of it, nor rebel or anything that creates the excuse to RDM. If roleplayed correctly you may join or turned to another faction.
1.5- At least half of Council members must be present to start a majority vote.
1.6- You may not hop factions, if you join one faction, you stay within that faction for at LEAST 3 days before changing to avoid serious confusion(Unless you're under level 5, then you may switch factions to test out the faction and see which one suits you).
1.7- Do not Jump Off the Planet on Purpose
1.8- Do not leave your home planet below the rank of Initiate/Acolyte without an escort and permissions.
1.9 Do not combat Heal While in Combat!
2.0 Do not Wrap While in Combat!
2.1 Don't
 Power Promote. This is when you promote someone above the next level or higher than they already are (Example: Promoting a Padawan to Master or a Sith Lord to Dark Council.)
This will be seen as an abuse of power, the person will be reverted back to their original ranking and the person caught promoting them like this will have their Rank lowered by an amount depending on their current rank and severity of their actions.

Raid Rules:[For All Faction
1.0- Do not leave your home planet below the rank of Initiate/Acolyte without an escort and permissions.
1.1 You Can Only Raid the Homeworlds of Tython[Jedi],Korriban[Sith],Tatooine[Hutt Cartel] If there is more then 10 People on the Server
and a Staff Member Must be Present to Oversee the Raid
1.2 There is a Cooldown of 60mins in Between HomeWorld Raids 
1.3 Factions like the Hutt Cartiel Which is a Sub Faction May Help the Jedi or Sith during a Raid if they want to get involved in it
Remember to Announce it in Advert Before Helping and Before the Raid Starts!

Expect the Rules to Change Frequently 
-KingBond[Falcon Emperor]